Friday 16 November 2018 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM

Bikeconomy Forum 2018.The Booming Bike World

Carlo Scarpa hall – free entry until full capacity

A day to study and discuss the fundamental role of bicycles in the development of a green, sustainable economy

Bicycles are currently the centrepiece of a green economy that can decisively contribute to supporting a historical change that will improve the future quality of life. Climate change, pollution, the infernal mobility of ever larger metropolises, caught between harsh living conditions and the will to become smart cities, the need to lengthen our lifespan by promoting health and the prevention of many diseases, ecology, intensive slow tourism, technology, clean and renewable energies are but some of the many spokes that make the wheels of a bike turn.

The Booming Bike World will see experts, politicians, journalists, athletes and activists discuss and debate.

For the complete programme of the day, visit