Thursday 1 January 1970

Historic Buildings. Restoration and Energy Efficiency

Saturday 22 March, 9.30
MAXXI Auditorium – free entrance

Restoring a historic building means contributing to the conservation and valorisation of national cultural heritage.
Restoring a historic building to also be energy efficient means diminishing energy consumption and safeguarding the environment.

Since 2010 a Directive of the European Parliament imposes that all Member States establish minimum requirements for energy performance based on building typologies. There is a growing trend that sees even important renovation projects pursuing the objective of self-sufficiency and zero emissions by 2018.

The conference Historic Buildings. Restoration and Energy Efficiency has been organised with the objective of examining the reduction of energy consumption and facilitating the start-up of a dialogue between the numerous subjects involved in this effort: the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, local and national administrations, specialist architects, the industry and ADSI associates, who were the first to experiment with these types of intervention.

The conference is promoted by the A.D.S.I. -– Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane – Lazio Giovani with the MAXXI and in collaboration with the MiBACT-PaBAAC Servizio Architettura Contemporanea.