
The domestic body. Online workshop for adults

A digital observatory to monitor the transformations of the “architectural bodies” we have inhabited relentlessly during the quarantine imposed by anti-COVID19 policies.
on the occasion of the exhibition At Home 20.20

If we are the space we inhabit, in this historical moment, where everything has been reconfigured to cope with calamity, how are our homes reacting?

How are our domestic bodies?

Ettore Sottsass used to say: “The only real function of things in life”; so, if our daily lives have changed abruptly, the use we used to make of our domestic spaces must also have undergone profound transformations. Which of these transformations survived the quarantine? Which of the changes made more or less consciously has been reabsorbed into our ‘domestic bodies’ without a trace?

To undertake a reasoned analysis of this phenomenon and the curious and amateurs, professionals and researchers, MAXXI Education is proposing a series of exercises in the anatomy of space. The aim is to understand how essential activities such as sleeping, eating, working and cultivating (taking care of oneself) were distributed within domestic areas during and after the quarantine, often reconfiguring and in some cases distorting them.

These functional maps of domestic space will help us understand how the contemporary home’s architectural body is changing and how much this emergency has influenced this change.

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