MAXXI represents an awareness of the importance of promoting the current creative expressions of a nation such as Italy, characterised by centuries of primacy in the artistic and architectural fields. The aesthetic tensions of our time are, in fact, the extension of the artistic and cultural expressions of past eras, albeit through radically different expressive forms.
Therefore, MAXXI’s mission is to promote and develop this sense of continuity, projecting it towards the future.
MAXXI intends not only to be a container for the exhibition of the works of art of our century but also a place for cultural innovation and the overlapping of languages, a laboratory for artistic experimentation, and a machine for producing aesthetic materials of our time.
MAXXI aims to be a centre of excellence, an interactive hub where the most diverse forms of expression, productivity, and creation may converge, combine and reproduce.
Art also has a vital role as a means of communication. Art is an iconic and symbolic idiom, therefore more readily comprehended than spoken or written language. The immediacy and universality of artistic communication may contribute to comprehending worlds and cultures otherwise foreign and potentially conflictual, favouring the coexistence of differences.
Lastly, art and architecture are essential components of the image and perception of a nation abroad. MAXXI, therefore, intends to be a form of antenna transmitting Italian contents to the outside world while simultaneously receiving from the outside the flux of international culture.