Saturday 15 December 2018 6.00 PM - 7.30 PM

Vedere il vero e il falso. By Luigi ZojaBooks at MAXXI

Auditorium del MAXXI – ingresso libero fino a esaurimento posti
10 posti riservati per i titolari della card myMAXXI scrivendo a mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it

“La fotografia riassume tanto la verità quanto il suo tradimento”
Luigi Zoja

Photography has been considered as a means to provide objective information ever since its very invention. However, the analysis of history shows that the most popular photos are often the result of forgery.

Zoja’s book discusses eight popular photos: the four photos that depict “warriors” are staged; the other four, which show children oblivious to hidden agendas, look authentic. This analysis anticipates the issue of post-truth, analyses its underlying psychology and provides instruments for understanding it.

Introduced by
Irene De Vico Fallani MAXXI Research

Luigi Zoja author
Beppe Attene researcher and documentarist

Event in collaboration with Giulio Einaudi publishing house