Courtesy Archivio Elisabetta Catalano
Thursday 7 November 2019 6.00 PM - 7.30 PM

Performing the Archives. Elisabetta CatalanoA new photography

Curated by Laura Cherubini
in collaboration with the Elisabetta Catalano Archive
lobby / archive wall –  € 5 – subscription to three meetings € 10
10 individual seats free and reserved for myMAXXI cardholders by writing to, by the day before the event

Three meetings to retrace the activity of one of the greatest photographers of our time.

On the occasion of the third set-up of the Archive Wall space, the exhibition area dedicated to the enhancement of contemporary world archives, with a focus on Elisabetta Catalano’s artistic production, MAXXI organises three meetings that retrace the activity of one of the greatest photographers of our time.

Through the words of scholars, sector experts, photographers, artists, and protagonists of the art scene of those years, the three meetings will analyse the beginnings and development of her work, her relationship with the photographers of her generation, and her work as a portrait photographer. Particular attention will be given to the work on performances and to the various ways to document it.

A new photography

An internationally renowned portrait photographer, Elisabetta Catalano is one of the greatest witnesses of the lives of artists and personalities of literature, art, entertainment and culture in general who have crossed the history of Italy from the Seventies to present day.

During this first meeting, Elisabetta Catalano’s career will be studied with particular attention to the start, her first steps in cinema with Fellini, her debuts on Vogue Italia, Il Mondo, Espresso, and many other Italian and foreign newspapers, her entrance to the world of art and her relationship with other photographers of her generation such as Giorgio Colombo and Paolo Mussat Sartor, authors of extraordinary documentations of portraits of artists, works, performances, and exhibitions.

Introduction and moderated by
Laura Cherubini Artistic Director of the Elisabetta Catalano Archive

Giorgio Colombo photographer
Paolo Mussat Sartor photographer
Massimo Minini gallerist