Sunday 14 April 2019 8.30 PM - 10.00 PM

Film at MAXXI - Festival delle Scienze.The Most Unknown

MAXXI Auditorium – admission € 3
10 seats reserved and free of charge for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event

Can you devote your whole life to seeking the answer to a question? In this film that begins in Italy, in a deep cave, nine scientist debate unresolved questions, leading the spectator on a journey exploring the world and the limits of the science that has shed light on many secrets of the universe and the functioning of the human body; however, true mysteries still remain such as the nature of time, the origins of life, the existence of extra-terrestrials and depths of the oceans.

The Most Unknown
Ian Cheney, Belgio/Costa Rica/Italia 1998, 88’.
Featuring Davide D’Angelo

Panel discussion to follow
Davide D’Angelo physicist, Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN
Jennifer Macalady microbiologist, Pennsylvania State University

Curated by INFN

Film at MAXXI is a Fondazione Cinema per Roma/CityFest and Fondazione MAXXI co-production.