Thursday 13 July 2017 7.30 PM - 9.00 PM

Stimela / Southern Africa Migration Project

MAXXI Piazza – admittance free
possibility of reserving places for the first 10 myMAXXI cardholders to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day of the event

A photographic project documenting migratory movements towards the south of Africa

“It exists a submerged ocean of millions of human beings who are moving in search of a place in which to live. Some go north, towards Europe for example. With the Stimela project I have instead chosen to talk about the many forgotten people who head south. Opposite direction. Same motives. Same hopes. Same risks and difficulties. Same solitude.”.

With these words, the documentary photographer Luca Sola presents Stimela/Southern Africa Migration Project, launched in 2015 in order to realise a photographic mapping of the migratory phenomena towards the south of the African continent. Of the 16 countries included in the project, to date he has worked in seven: Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Congo DRC, Central African Republic. At the same time, Sola has launched a crowdfunding campaign in order to complete the photographic mapping of the remaining countries.

Introduced by
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura

Luca Rosini journalist and television presenter
Luca Sola documentary photographer

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2017 cycle