Tuesday 25 October 2016 10.30 AM - 7.00 PM

SOS – School Of Sustainability Open Day

Guido Reni Hall – admittance free subject to availability of places

What prospects and what scenarios for transformation and possible developments?

It is above all a cultural issue, and SOS – School of Sustainability opens the debate to the community through a day of analysis and creative discussion.

SOS – School of Sustainability is the new post-graduate school founded by Mario Cucinella within the MC Architects architectural studio, oriented towards the training of a new generation of sustainability professionals capable of tackling the great global challenges in the economic, environmental and social fields. SOS is not a traditional school but rather a cultural and creative platform for the construction of a culture of sustainability and experimentation with projects with a positive impact on society, the economy and the environment.

Introduced by
Giovanna Melandri President Fondazione MAXXI
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura
Giuseppe Capocchin Architect and President CNAPPC

Mario Cucinella Architect, founder MCA and President of SOS
Gian Luca Galletti Minister of the Environment and the Safeguarding of Land and Sea
Roberto Reggi Director of the State Property Agency
Lorenzo Micheli Office of the President of Cabinet MIUR
Massimo Alvisi Architect, Studio Alvisi Kirimoto + Partners
Alberto Bruno Director SOS
Antonio Navarra President CMCC – Central European – Mediterranean Climate Change
Fabio Renzi Secretary Fondazione Symbola
Edoardo Zanchini Vice President Legambiente

Scarica il programma della giornata

*La partecipazione all’evento riconosce agli architetti iscritti a un Ordine d’Italia n.4 crediti formativi. Codici identificativi ARRM1205 (2 CFP) e ARRM1206 (2CFP).
Prenotazione obbligatoria online su www.architettiroma.it