Saturday 9 April 2016 11.30 AM - 1.30 PM

Slow Art Day 2016

Free activity with museum reduced ticket

Now in its fifth edition, Slow Art Day is an international event encouraging people to look at and appreciate art “slowly”, putting a frenetic world on pause and allowing time for contemplation.

– Register: please send a mail to
– Saturday 9 April, 11.30 A.M., appointment at the museum infopoint. Together with your museum entrance ticket you will be able pick up a kit that MAXXI has put together for the occasion.

– Explore, observe and contemplate the suggested works. Dedicate at least 10 minutes to each one.
– Forget the baggage of artistic notions you walked in with: what is important is what the work transmits to you and only by observing it slowly will you make certain discoveries…
– once you have completed the museum visit a special guide will be waiting for you at the infopoint. You will be able to identify yourself as a participant by wearing the sticker you’ll find in the kit.
– We’ll then get together in the bar or museum restaurant to freely discuss what we’ve seen.

Find out more about International Slow Art Day