Ernesto Lapadula, Palazzo della Civiltà del Lavoro. Fotografia di Andrea Jemolo
Friday 10 February 2023 6.30 PM - 7.30 PM

books at MAXXIRoma. Dal Rinascimento ai giorni nostriby Vittorio Sgarbi

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

A survey of Rome’s architectural beauties suggests a series of itineraries to orient oneself among these wonders.

The book’s main character is the city of Rome, a place full of opportunities for beauty: from the Renaissance palaces, through the great Baroque season, to the contemporary architecture of the MAXXI, among churches, fountains, squares and museums, famous places and surprises to be discovered.

Alessandro Giuli Fondazione MAXXI President

Vittorio Sgarbicritico e storico dell’arte, Sottosegretario di Stato al Ministero della Cultura

In collaboration with La nave di Teseo. With the support of BPER Banca.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event