Tuesday 6 August 2024 - Sunday 15 September 2024

videogalleryRoma calling

free admittance
Tuesday to Sunday
from 11 am to 7 pm

opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

Saturday and Sunday last entry at 5:30 pm

more information

A selection of works by Clemens von Wedemeyer, Navin Rawanchaikul and Rä di Martino portrays the Eternal City.

The common thread running through the three works on show is Rome, understood as a mosaic of different cultures, personal and collective histories, legendary places where past and present, reality and fiction meet until they merge.

6 to 18 August
Clemens von Wedemeyer Procession (2013 – 14’)
Procession is part of a nucleus of works created by Clemens von Wedemeyer (Göttingen, 1974) on the occasion of the solo exhibition The Cast that MAXXI dedicated to him in 2013. In the video, the shooting of a film dedicated to a Roman procession is suddenly interrupted by the protest of a group of demonstrators. Combining different styles and genres, the artist evokes an incident in 1958 at Cinecittà when, during a scene of the film Ben Hur, thousands of extras tried to force the gates, claiming their right to work. Reality and fiction are blurred in the work through an overlapping of temporal planes that bring us back from the past to the period in which the artist shot the video involving actors and activists from the occupied Teatro Valle in Rome in 2011.

20 August to 1 September
Navin Rawanchaikul Ciao da Roma (2020 – 23’54”)
The impact of globalisation, migration and the development of cultural identities are central themes in the artistic research of Navin Rawanchaikul (Chiang Mai, 1971), who in 2021 created the exhibition Ciao da Roma at MAXXI. The artist shot the video in the autumn of 2018 and recounts his incredible journey to the capital and the Agro Pontino area to discover the different faces, stories and memories of the South Asian diasporic community. Interweaving photographs, moving images and storytelling, the work bears witness to the geopolitical context, the creative process and the autobiographical experience of Rawanchaikul and his practice capable of accommodating the tension between individual and society.

3 to 15 September
Rä di Martino The show MAS go on (2014 – 30′)
The historic Magazzini allo Statuto (MAS) was opened at the beginning of the 20th century in Rome, in the Esquilino area, as a luxury commercial space. Over the years, MAS became the people’s department store with thousands of square metres, incalculable dust, and a vast and colourful crowd. All that remains of the golden age of this symbolic place in Rome at the time of the filming of the work by Rä di Martino (Rome, 1975) are the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, some of which are now touching the spindly carpeted floor. The artist stages the famous history and the unique atmosphere of the MAS, which becomes a ‘stage’ on which the urban fabric that habitually frequented them is intertwined with depicted scenes and film quotations in an attempt to restore their potential and energy.

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