Thursday 17 September 2015 8.00 PM - 10.00 PM

Riscatti: Voci Migranti

This event is part of YAP FEST 2015
MAXXI Piazza, Spazio YAP – admittance free
curated by AMM – Archive of migrant memories

Stories of redemption, self-narrations, short films, music and contaminations between art, culture and migrants

The evening will feature numerous interventions and a preview of the new monologue by the Senegalese actor and griot Mohamed Ba Dalla savana al municipio, il riscatto del migrante.

In collaboration with the InTransit network: MAXXI Educazione, Civico Zero e Centro Astalli con AMM, Istituto Centrale Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi (MiBACT), Liceo Artistico Pinturicchio, Circolo Gianni Bosio, Pianoterra Onlus

other events of the YAP MAXXI 2015 cycle