Sunday 27 January 2019 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM


MAXXI Auditorium – admission free subject to availability of places
directed by Simonetta De Nichilo
curated by Associazione Culturale Crea

A poetic journey in which young people “lend their voice” to those who were subjected to Nazi persecution

A reading-cum-show produced by the pupils from the third-year classes of the Vittorio Alfieri 1st level secondary school in Rome, the conclusion of a project that has combined the geographical with the historical-cultural through the theatrical medium.

The students recount the history of this part of Rome in the years 1938-1945. Starting with the places of memory in Rome – the Porticus Octaviae, the Synagogue, the Military College, Tiburtina Station – the young people have gathered materials, first-hand testimonies, historical documents, personal reflections and the stories of their grandparents and acquaintances who lived through those years to recount one of the darkest chapters our recent history.

Carla Alfano School director, Istituto comprensivo Alfieri Lante della Rovere
Lucrezia Colmayer Councillor for youth, university, research, labour, integration, equal opportunities, memory, pariticpation and European funding policies, Municipio II

an event produced in collaboration with ROMA Municipio II

other events of the Giornata della Memoria. Racconta cycle