02 October 2020 > 23 May 2021

Italian Architecture Prize and YAP Rome at MAXXI

the exhibition’s closing has been extended to Sunday 23 May 2021

gallery 1
curated by Pippo Ciorra

opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

more information

An exhibition dedicated to two major architectural prizes

In line with its constant commitment to valorizing Italian architectural quality and encouraging young talent, MAXXI is promoting and presenting the Italian Architecture Prize and YAP Rome at MAXXI.

The Italian Architecture Prize, in its first edition this year, has been created in collaboration with the Milan Triennale with the objective of identifying architectural works of particular interest and design quality created by architects either born or working in Italy and recognising examples of Italian excellence that over time have made a mark on the national and international architectural scene.

This year’s winners are: Z33 House For Contemporary Art, Design And Architecture by Francesca Torzo for the best building realised by architects either born or active in Italy over the last three years; Lucy Styles, best designer under 40 and winner of YAP Rome at MAXXI, and Renzo Piano awarded the career achievement prize. The jury also assigned an honourable mention to Cino Zucchi for the Lavazza Headquarters and nominated a short-list of six finalists, testifying to the extremely high level of the candidate projects.

Finalists: Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne by Barozzi Veiga, Enrico Fermi School by BDR bureau, Tree Hugger – Sede Associazione Turistica/Tourist Information Office by MoDusArchitects, H2OS, l’eco-villaggio anti desertificazione/anti desertification eco-village by studio TAMassociati, Shelter n1 by ECÒL, Simbiosi by Edoardo Tresoldi.

The common denominator between the two prizes is the young architect Lucy Styles, whose project Home Sweet Home was chosen by the YAP Rome at MAXXI jury and realised in the museum piazza for the summer season. Every two years, YAP Rome at MAXXI, promoted by MAXXI with MoMA in New York, offers emerging architects chosen by a jury of experts, the possibility of creating a temporary installation in which the public can enjoy a unique space while participating in the initiatives held in the piazza during the summer, in close contact with the majestic architecture of Zaha Hadid. From among the 58 candidacies received from throughout the world, five finalists were selected: Ateliermob (Portugal), Breathe Earth Collective (Austria), Ecòl (Italy), Gnomone (Italy), Lucy Styles (Great Britain).