Thursday 1 January 1970

Più libri per il Terzo Paradiso

Saturday 21 December, from 11.00 to 22.00
with the participation of Michelangelo Pistoletto
curated by the MAXXI Education Department

A major installation in the museum lobby,
created by children and adults with new and used books,
to represent the symbol of the Third Paradise

This is MAXXI’s contribution to the second Universal Day of Re-birth, the major festival/mobilization conceived last year by Michelangelo Pistoletto to celebrate the birth of a new era, the “Third Paradise”, based on the responsibility for and awareness of the need for a different approach to the survival of the planet.

The event is being hosted in the MAXXI hall. The protagonists are books: those donated by publishers and those brought by visitors, who will be able to insert a dedication, exchange them with others and have an ‘ex libris’ applied testifying to their participation in the event. The symbol of the Third Paradise will be constructed with the books, two opposing circles that symbolise artifice and nature, united by a central ring representing the womb of re-birth.

The central circle of the Third Paradise will be reserved for children’s publications: children are in fact the true artificers of the Rebirth, aware and responsible bearers of the message.

Dalla prima edizione dell'iniziativa. MAXXI, 2012

An initiative realised in collaboration with Più Libri Più Liberi, the small and medium publishing fair, which this year numbers MAXXI among its partners, and RAM radioartemobile.