Thursday 1 January 1970

Performing MAXXI. Students Interpreting Museum Space

Performing MAXXI. Students Interpreting Museum Space
On the occasion of the TedX Transmedia. WEkids: Dreamers, Geeks, Mindshifters event.
A project in collaboration with the Saint George’s British International School of Rome.

27 September, 17.00

What does it involve?
The creativity of 40 performers between 6 and 18 years of age giving life to an itinerant performance conceived on the basis of their experience of the space designed by Zaha Hadid.
The students, from Saint George’s British International School of Rome, will accompany visitors to MAXXI and the participants in the TEDx Transmedia 2012 conference in three itineraries called Knowledge Dresses, whispered, danced and sung in order to offer new and multiple points of view of the museum.

The students will be valorising the museum spaces, turning them into an “alternative” place: having downloaded the free MAXXI App, a series of QRCodes placed along the performance route will permit visitors to use their smartphones or tablet to discover a “virtual” MAXXI populated and animated by the works and the performances created by the students.