for young people aged between 18 and 25 (not yet turned 25); for groups of 15 people or more; La Galleria Nazionale, Museo Ebraico di Roma ticket holders; upon presentation of ID card or badge: Accademia Costume & Moda, Accademia Fotografica, Biblioteche di Roma, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Enel (for badge holder and accompanying person), FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Feltrinelli, Gruppo FS, IN/ARCH – Istituto Nazionale di Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma, LAZIOcrea, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Amici di Palazzo Strozzi, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Scuola Internazionale di Comics, Teatro Olimpico, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Teatro di Roma, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Youthcard; upon presenting at the ticket office a Frecciarossa or a Frecciargento ticket to Rome purchased between 27 November 2024 and 20 April 2025
valid for one year from the date of purchase
minors under 18 years of age; disabled people requiring companion; EU Disability Card holders and accompanying person; MiC employees; myMAXXI cardholders; registered journalists with a valid ID card; European Union tour guides and tour guides, licensed (ref. Circular n.20/2016 DG-Museums); 1 teacher for every 10 students; AMACI members; CIMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art members; ICOM members; journalists (who can prove their business activity); European Union students and university researchers in art history and architecture, public fine arts academies (AFAM registered) students and Temple University Rome Campus students from Tuesday to Friday (excluding holidays); IED – Istituto Europeo di Design professors, NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti professors, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts professors; upon presentation of ID card or badge: Collezione Peggy Guggenheim a Venezia, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Sotheby’s Preferred, MEP – Maison Européenne de la Photographie; on your birthday presenting an identity document
MAXXI’s Collection of Art and Architecture represents the founding element of the museum and defines its identity. Since October 2015, it has been on display with different arrangements of works.
26 Jan 2025 04.30 pm
MAXXI in famigliaProgettare il cambiamento
28 Jan 2025 06.00 pm
auteur conversationsGuido Guidi
29 Jan 2025 04.30 pm
MAXXIperTUTTIDalla materia al simbolotactile lab
30 Jan 2025 06.00 pm
talkMusei possibili. Storia, sfide, sperimentazionicurated by Fulvio Irace
Businessman and innovator
Journalist and TV writer
Talent Garden
Solution developer, Engineering Spa
Co-founder and board member of BlockchainEdu
Graduated from the D.A.M.S in Bologna and specialised at the LUISS Business School in Art and Heritage Management. She began her professional career at Codess Cultura before joining MAXXI in 2007 where she launched, developed and coordinated the Fondazione’s digital presence, activities that have brought the museum recognition, both national (ICOM Italia Prize 2012 for the best use of social media) and international (People’s Lovie Award and Lovie Award Bronze 2015 for the new web site). In 2015 she conceived and curated the first edition of the international convention Digital Think-in. The digital voice of museums. She is the head of the Communications and Digital Office. She periodically teaches at universities and other educational institutions.
Carlo Scarpa Hall – an event reserved for registered participants; open to the public from 4:30
PM on Sunday 28 October
34 hours non-stop and a mix of expertise to charge the museum with innovative energy
Museum Booster is back, the great digital marathon dedicated to the most innovative ideas and services helping reinvent the museums of the 21st century. This year’s challenge is how blockchain technology can be applied in a museum and bring its “revolutionising” to the world of art and culture.
A jury of experts will evaluate the work presented by the teams.
The winning team will receive 8.000 euros and the opportunity to test their project at MAXXI. Each member of the team finishing second will instead receive a ticket to participate in
Futureland,l’evento internazionale organizzato da Talent Garden and dedicated to the emerging technologies and their impact on the world of business (Milan, 15-16 November).
Sunday 28 October
4:30 PM presentation by the teams of the projects developed during the mnarathon
6:00 PM Prize giving
admission free, subject to availability of places
9.00 am Formation and accreditation of teams
10.30 am Welcome and presentation from Museum Booster: challenge, programme, rules, jury and mentors
11.00 am Start of the hackathon
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm The hackathon continues!
8.00 pm Dinner
10.00 pm The hackathon continues uninterrupted until the following morning!
A drink station and rest area will be available to participants
8.00 am Breakfast
9.00 am The hackathon continues!
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Final hours of coding and pitch preparation
4:00 pm End of work and delivery of projects
4.30 pm Presentation of projects to the Jury
6.00 pm Announcement of winners and awards
Gian Luca Comandini
Barbara Gasperini
Alberto Luna
Umberto Tarantino
Niccolò Travia
Prisca Cupellini