Thursday 1 January 1970 12.00 AM

Move in YAP!

Throughout July, every Tuesday (13.00 and 18.15), Thursday (18.15) and Friday (13.30)
€4 per lesson – payable at the Museum ticket office;
programme reserved for holders of the my MAXXI membership card, while places are available

Why not come to MAXXI for the Move in YAP! yoga lessons during your lunch break or after work?
Participants will be welcomed to the museum’s Education Department to allow them to tune in to Zaha Hadid’s spaces.
The lessons will last an hour and will take place both in the museum and in the MAXXI piazza that throughout the summer will be hosting the UNIRE/UNITE installation by the New York/Rome studio Urban Movement Design, winner of YAP MAXXI 2012.

For further information please write to edumaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it

Still without a myMAXXI card? Buy yours online or at the ticket office!
Click for more information

In collaboration with