Thursday 1 January 1970 12.00 AM

As soft as… concrete

As soft as… concrete
Architecture workshop

What’s involved?
The building is a gentle giant composed of long galleries, curving walls, great heights and stairs projecting out into the void like flying carpets. A space in which the sensorial perception is unique and enthralling. During the exploration/visit the children will discover the architecture and the materials it is made of. Through corporeal exercises and performance activities they will measure its dimensions and experience its forms. During the workshop they will recompose this spatial, tactile and emotive experience, reconstructing the plan of the museum with an assemblage of diverse materials.

Duration 1h and 30’
Tuesday to Friday from 10.00
(early opening reserved for groups with bookings)

How does it work?
€ 100 per group class (max 25 participants)
please make you obligatory reservation and purchase tickets by calling 06 3201954