Saturday 1 December 2018 11.30 AM - 1.00 PM

Design Stories.Lowest volume multiple. Books and poster design | with Leonardo Sonnoli

MAXXI Auditorium – entrance 5 euros – ticket to 4 events 15 euro
Free to myMAXXI card holders, with possibility to book for 10 people on a first come first served basis, by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it until the day before the event

The story of ‘another’ design: from great icons to more experimental research

After tackling the subjects of interior decor products and domestic living in the first two editions, we are back with Design Stories to discuss several types of applications with experts in the field. Design –and Italian design especially- is characterised by the wide breadth of design areas and for its cross-disciplinarity, spanning from what we wear and what we eat to how we get information and communicate.
Four events to tell how design is present in our daily lives, in any product that requires a reflection on the conditions and purpose of an action.

At the third event, we will meet designer Leonardo Sonnoli and focus on two artefacts of graphic design that we see every day and that has been proclaimed dead to no avail several times. After a theoretical and historical introduction to posters, with a special focus on Italian ones, and after exploring the difference with book design, we will focus on some volumes of interest for the relationship between form and content and posters created by the designer, delving deeper into the planning and realisation phases.

Introduced by
Domitilla Dardi MAXXI Architecture design curator

Leonardo Sonnoli designer

With the support of ADI Lazio