Wednesday 12 March 2025 6.00 PM

talkMarzia MiglioraSette Mostre Immaginifiche 1993-2024

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

Conceived as a concept book in which the body of works is reinterpreted through recurring themes in Marza Migliora’s practice, the book is composed of seven exhibitions on paper, curated by seven curators who imagined setting them up in key locations in the artist’s biography.

Francesco Stocchi MAXXI Artistic Director

Anna Cestelli Guidi curator and art historian, curator of the book
Matteo Lucchetti curator for contemporary arts and cultures, curator of the book
Marzia Migliora artist
Anne Palopoli MAXXI curator
Andrea Viliani Museo delle Civiltà di Roma Director, author of the book

In collaboration with NERO Editions.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event