Claudia Losi, Oceani di terra, 2003. Courtesy Collezione Consolandi, Milano. Foto: Roberto Marossi
Thursday 31 October 2024 4.00 PM

talkLa globalizzazione nelle riviste italiane d’arte contemporanea (1979-2009)

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

more information

A meeting to discuss the results of the research project From Third-Worldism to Postcolonialism: Visual Imaginaries of Otherness in Italy (1979-2009).

Promoted by the Sapienza University of Rome, the project focuses on perusing several Italian contemporary art periodicals and aims to understand how art from new cultural and geographical contexts—Africa, Asia, and Oceania—has been presented and conveyed to the specialised public.

introduction and moderation
Giulia Pedace Head of the MAXXI Archives Centre for Art and Documentation

Arianna Desideri Sapienza University of Rome
Francesca Gallo Sapienza University of Rome
Paola Lagonigro Roma Tre University
Caterina Romeo Sapienza University of Rome
Roberto Sala Magazine Segno

In collaboration with Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, Sapienza University of Rome.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event