Friday 21 February 2020 6.30 PM - 7.30 PM

Books at MAXXIKerez vs Labics. On Structures

Carlo Scarpa Hall – free admittance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event

A conversation with Christian Kerez on the occasion of the publication of the first monograph on the Labics studio: Structures.

Structures represents an investigations into the meaning of the term structure in architecture. Four thematic essays that examine Geometric structures, Load-bearing structures, The Structures of Public Spaces and The Structures of Traffic, trace a strand of research through the history of classical and modern architecture.
These four thematic excursions form the skeleton around which takes shape the presentation of around 25 buildings and projects developed by Labics from 2002 to the present day. The book also contains an interview with the architects by Stefano Casciani.

Introduced by
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura

Maria Claudia Clemente and Francesco Isidori architects, founders of the Labics studio
Christian Kerez architect
Stefano Casciani writer and designer

Pippo Ciorra Senior Curator MAXXI Architettura