foto © Clayton Cubitt
Wednesday 4 October 2023 7.00 PM - 8.00 PM

Le ConversazioniKatie Kitamurawith Antonio Monda

MAXXI auditorium

A journey through literature and film with one of the most exciting voices on the international scene.

Katie Kitamura regularly contributes to The New York Times, The Guardian, Granta, Bomb, Triple Canopy and Frieze magazines. Skilled at investigating the feelings and disorientation of protagonists, in her books, she stages dormant and inexplicable aspects of the moral dimension of modern life. The talk with Antonio Monda, Artistic Director of Le Conversazioni, is a chance to rediscover six great, forgotten films.

Alessandro Giuli Fondazione MAXXI President

Katie Kitamura writer and art critic
Antonio Monda writer, Artistic Director of Le Conversazioni

A MAXXI and Dazzle Communication project.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event