Thursday 1 January 1970

Parliament is not a gala dinner

Tuesday 8 July, 18.00
MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free

A book written by Franca Chiaromonte and Antonia Tomassini that sees the two authors as protagonists in the intense political and human experience they describe page after page.

From your experience I derive the conviction that we can and we must continue along the trail you have blazed, so that the democratic institutions are truly open to all, overcoming an obsolete vision of the role of differently able people within social, political and institutional life.
Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic

The voices alternate in the telling of the story, at times they converge, at others they are clearly differentiated

The texts presents, through a lively and engaging writing style, the relationship between the two women, their battles, the day-to-day life of the Senate and above all the decision, unique in Italy and in Europe, to permit an assistant to participate in commission business, helping France and speaking in her place.

Franca Chiaromonte and Antonia Tomassini authors of the book
Giovanna Melandri President of Fondazione MAXXI
Letizia Paolozzi journalist and writer
Walter Veltroni politician, journalist and writer