BBPR - L. Belgiojoso, E. Peresutti, E. N. Rogers , Castello Sforzesco, sala 15, prove di allestimento per la Pietà Rondanini di Michelangelo - Restauro BBPR (prima fase 1953-1956) © Mario Perotti. Studio Fotografico Perotti. Civico Archivio Fotografico, Comune di Milano
Thursday 13 April 2023 6.00 PM - 7.00 PM

the stories of architectureThe great masters of 20th-century ItalyNarrating the city: BBPR at Castello Sforzesco

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall
admission € 5
lecture in Italian

A lecture on the complex restoration and redevelopment of the Castle’s museum, a symbol of the relationship with art in the work of Banfi, Belgiojoso, Peressutti and Rogers.

BBPR’s architecture is always a narrative, between cuts of light, new or unexpected materials, structural expressiveness and refined details, so the museum theme is also interpreted as a narrative. However, it never becomes a container, composed of presences and works of art in succession, with a glance at the past and a bursting fascination for the future also expressed by their international physiological vocation.

Maria Vittoria Capitanucci architect, History of Contemporary Architecture Professor, Politecnico di Milano
Ricciarda Barbiano di Belgiojoso scientific reference person Archivio BBPR
Margherita Guccione GRANDE MAXXI Scientific Director

individual seats reserved and free of charge for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event