Aurelia Mihai, Cento piedi, 2012, still da video
Tuesday 29 October 2024 - Sunday 3 November 2024

videogalleryI am afraid that Rome existed!

curated by Donatella Saroli
free admittance
Tuesday to Sunday
from 11 am to 7 pm
download the programme

opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

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A film screening dedicated to the Eternal City that brings together works by international artists who have spent a long residence at foreign academies in Rome.

The title is inspired by a sentence from a 1982 film by Marguerite Duras. Why fear that Rome really existed? Is it afraid of getting lost in its tangle of dreams, myths and different ways of existing?

Featuring works by Bankleer, Rebecca Digne, Catriona Gallagher, Mathieu Lucas, Cynthia Madansky, Aurelia Mihai, Itziar Okariz, Txuspo Poyo and Rocío Quillahuamán.

Living and working in Rome has meant for everyone coming across the vibrant matter of the city, wandering, getting lost, choosing a destination, deviating from prescribed routes, following traces and leaving new ones.
The experience of the city ‘crossed’ binds the works of the different artists who question Rome and stage the contradictions, the dream and the crisis of our time.

Acknowledgements: Academy of France-Villa Medici, German Academy of Villa Massimo, American Academy in Rome, The British School at Rome, Real Academia de España en Roma. The videogallery is powered by Fondazione In Between Art Film.