20 September 2019 > 27 September 2019

Videogallery.Eduardo Stupía. Film screening

Free admittance

On the occasion of its participation in the Bienalsur, MAXXI focuses on the Argentinian artist Eduardo Stupía and in particular on his work Inmigrant Ulysses. A graphic fantasy

By activating and carrying out the conceptual assumptions of Bienalsur, Stupía’s movie reviews Ulysses’voyage through images, sounds, and texts.

The counterpoint of audio visual and literary elements and the heterogeneous confluence of materials and iconographies are tools used by Stupía to tackle the issues of immigration and exile. The triggering of a series of analogies, metaphors and resonances accompanies the turbulent journey of the hero that is told in kaleidoscopic form with the help of texts by Daniel Samoilovich, music by Pablo Ortiz, and visual technology and the editing by Julián D ‘Angiolillo and Daniela Seggiaro.

Friday 20 September the artist meets the audience to talk about his work and his participation in the Bienalsur – Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporàneo de América del Sur.

Photo © video stills:
 Ulysses the immigrant. A graphic fantasy, 2019.

Full bio

Eduardo Stupía

Nato nel 1951 a Buenos Aires, dove vive e lavora, Eduardo Stupía è una figura di riferimento dell’arte contemporanea argentina. Riconosciuto soprattutto per il disegno su grande scala, l’artista ha ottenuto entrambi i premi più rappresentativi dell’arte argentina (Gran Premio del Salón Nacional e il Gran Premio del Salón Municipal Manuel Belgrano).
Full bio