single ticket valid until 17 April, for all ongoing exhibitions, due to the refurbishment of 2 galleries
for young people aged between 18 and 25 (not yet turned 25); for groups of 15 people or more; La Galleria Nazionale, Museo Ebraico di Roma ticket holders; upon presentation of ID card or badge: Accademia Costume & Moda, Accademia Fotografica, Biblioteche di Roma, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Enel (for badge holder and accompanying person), FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Feltrinelli, Gruppo FS, IN/ARCH – Istituto Nazionale di Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma, LAZIOcrea, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Amici di Palazzo Strozzi, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Scuola Internazionale di Comics, Teatro Olimpico, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Teatro di Roma, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Youthcard; upon presenting at the ticket office a Trenitalia ticket to Rome purchased between 27 November 2024 and 21 April 2025
valid for one year from the date of purchase
minors under 18 years of age; upon presentation of disability card or accompanying letter from hosting association/institution for: people with disabilities and accompanying person, people on the autistic spectrum and accompanying person, deaf people, people with cognitive disabilities and complex communication needs and their caregivers, people with serious illnesses and their caregivers, guests of first aid and anti-violence centres and accompanying operators, residents of therapeutic communities and accompanying operators; EU Disability Card holders and accompanying person; MiC employees; myMAXXI cardholders; registered journalists with a valid ID card; European Union tour guides and tour guides, licensed (ref. Circular n.20/2016 DG-Museums); 1 teacher for every 10 students; AMACI members; CIMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art members; ICOM members; journalists (who can prove their business activity); European Union students and university researchers in art history and architecture, public fine arts academies (AFAM registered) students and Temple University Rome Campus students from Tuesday to Friday (excluding holidays); IED – Istituto Europeo di Design professors, NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti professors, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts professors; upon presentation of ID card or badge: Collezione Peggy Guggenheim a Venezia, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Sotheby’s Preferred, MEP – Maison Européenne de la Photographie; on your birthday presenting an identity document
for groups of 12 people in the same tour; myMAXXI membership card-holders; registered journalists with valid ID
under 14 years of age
disabled people + possible accompanying person; minors under 3 years of age (ticket not required)
MAXXI’s Collection of Art and Architecture represents the founding element of the museum and defines its identity. Since October 2015, it has been on display with different arrangements of works.
23 Mar 2025 04.00 pm
musicElectronic ExpressionsApogeo
23 Mar 2025 05.00 pm
CreAzioneThe Brutalistby Brady Corbet
25 Mar 2025 06.00 pm
stories of artLecture on yellowwith Angela Vettese
27 Mar 2025 07.00 pm
Le ConversazioniPupi Avatiwith Antonio Monda
30 Mar 2025 04.00 pm
musicElectronic ExpressionsMateria
30 Mar 2025 05.00 pm
CreAzioneLeopardiby Mario Martone
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Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, who was born in Rome in 1968, is an art critic and curator and, since May 2016, he has been Director of MAXXI Art, National Museum of the 21st century Arts. From 2011 to 2013 he was Director of MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome. From 1998 to 2003 he was responsible for the contemporary art program of Adriano Olivetti Foundation, of which he was appointed Director from 2003 to 2007. In 2007 and 2008 he worked as curator at the Hangar Bicocca Foundation of Milan. He wrote many essays and publications on art, the latest of which is Italia in opera, La nostra identità attraverso le arti visive edito da Bollati Boringhieri (2011). He curated the Italian Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale (2013)
Simona Antonacci is an art historian, born in Rome in 1982. After being awarded a Master’s degree in Contemporary art history at the “La Sapienza” University, she attended the Postgraduate specialty school at the University of Siena, writing a dissertation on Eventualism and the Gruppo di Piombino. She is currently teaching assistant and doctoral student at Università della Tuscia with a project dedicated to the activity of the exhibiting spaces and magazines in Rome in the Eighties and Nineties.
Trained in museology and didactics, from 2005 to 2012 she worked for the Education Department of the MAXXI Museum of Arts of the 21st century, after which she moved to the Photography Centre of MAXXI Architecture. From 2008 to 2013 she worked with the Wunderkammern cultural association, other than curating events and projects dedicated to contemporary art and photography and publishing articles on specialized magazines.
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Head of the Archive Center of MAXXI Architecture, since 2006 she has been in charge of the archiving of architects and engineers’ funds at MAXXI, dealing with their classification, inventorying and publication, while also following all the activities of the Museum of Architecture that are aimed at enhancing the Collections
Born in Formia in 1955, in 1982 he graduated from the faculty of architecture of Roma-La Sapienza University. In 1991, he completed a PhD at the IUAV of Venice. From 1982 to 1995 he taught at the faculties of Venice and Rome, and since 1987 he has been visiting professor at Ohio State University and other universities of North America. Since 1995 he has taught Architectural Composition at the faculty of architecture of Ascoli Piceno – university of Camerino. He is director and professor of a number of interuniversity master courses and coordinates the International PhD Villard d’Honnecour. He was a member of the Regional Commission for the Cultural Heritage of Le Marche. Besides being senior curator of the MAXXI Museum, he is also advisor for the Medaglia d’oro all’architettura italiana award of the Milan Triennial as well as for the Mies van der Rohe Award of the MVDR foundation. Since 1981, he has been working with general and specialist journals and magazines and for the National radio. He is a member of the Casabella editorial committee. He is the author of a number of essays and researches on contemporary cities, as well as of monographic studies.
After graduating in Museology from the DAMS of the University of Bologna, Ilenia D’Ascoli graduated from the School of Specialization in Historical Artistic Heritage of Siena with a thesis in Museum Management dedicated to the relationship between culture and development. She has been working for MAXXI Arte since 2010, dealing in particular with the Collection and following the general coordination of the exhibitions, the focuses on individual authors, the promotion and enhancement of the heritage and the programme of acquisitions of the works and their cataloguing.
After being awarded a Master’s degree in architecture, she started working in the public administration of Cultural Heritage. Her professional path – which also includes a two-year experience at the CIVA of Brussels – reached its peak when she started working at the Directorate General for Contemporary Architecture and Art (DARC), which enabled her to closely follow the MAXXI birthing process. As she worked for the Museum of Architecture since its inception, she was first in charge for the exhibition set-ups and then for the general coordination of the exhibitions. Since 2015 she has been the head of MAXXI Architecture Collections
Is a curator based in Rome where in 2004 she gained her postgraduate degree on the thesis ‘Action and performance Between 60’70 in Central America’. Between 2004 and 2006 she worked at MACRO Museum, Rome. Starting from 2006 up to 2010 she collaborated with DARC – Direzione per l’Arte Contemporanea. Currently she is being actively engaged as a curator at MAXXI Museum, Rome, Italy. Since joining the museum, she has curated major exhibitions including William Kentridge. Vertical Thinking (2012); Clemens von Wedemeyer. The Cast (2013), Premio MAXXI (Young Italian Artists Prize) (2012-14-16). She is co-curator with Hans-Ulrich Obrist and Gunnar B. Kvaran of the exhibition Indian Highway (2011) and with Hou Hanru of Huang Yong Ping. Bâton Serpent (2014) and Jimmie Durham. Sound and Silliness (2016), The Independent (2014 – present) and Artapes (2017).
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Silvia La Pergola was born in Bologna in 1973, and in 2000 she graduated from the faculty of architecture of Roma-La Sapienza University. In 1996, she won the Erasmus scholarship and went to study at the école nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette. In 1998, she worked with the Agence JM Wilmotte in Paris. In 2006, she completed a PhD at the faculty of Architecture of Roma-La Sapienza, where she taught Interior Architecture (A.Y. 2007-2008). From 2003 to 2009 she worked for the Italian company Italiana Costruzioni S.p.A.. Starting from 2004, namely when its foundation stone was laid, she has been closely following the construction of the MAXXI Museum, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. From 2009 she has been part of the staff of the exhibition and set-up office of the MAXXI Foundation. Her set-up projects include Indian Highway, Recycle, Energy, Architecture in Uniform, Lina Bo Bardi, Maurizio Sacripanti, Models and Transformers. Upon request of the Giustini Staggetti gallery, she dealt with the project and site-specific installation Magliana projet by Kostantin Gricic. She published the “Materia grigia” book (2010) for the Electa publishing house.
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Luigia Lonardelli (Bari, 1982) took a Masters course in Management for Curators at the Valle Giulia Faculty of Architecture in Rome in 2005 and she graduated in 2009 from the Specialization School in Siena. In 2012 she presented her doctoral thesis on the activities of the Incontri Internazionali d’Arte collected into her book Dalla sperimentazione alla crisi. Gli Incontri Internazionali d’Arte a Roma, 1970-1981. Since 2005 she has collaborated with the Office for Contemporary Art following preparatory work for the opening of the MAXXI, where she began work as a researcher in 2010. Since 2011 she has been working in the curatorial department of the MAXXI, curating exhibitions dedicated to Marisa Merz (2012) and Alighiero Boetti (2013), among others. She cocurated the XVI Quadriennale d’Arte di Roma.
Roberta Magagnini (Avezzano, 1977) lives and works in Rome. She graduated from La Sapienza University in Contemporary Art History. While studying, she worked in press offices and university publishing houses. Since 2005, she has been working in the MAXXI Art Collection, Conservation and Registrar Office of Fondazione MAXXI, taking care of the loans of the works in the collection and participating in the management of deposits and conservation activities. As a Registrar, she has followed several major monographic exhibitions such as Alighiero Boetti and Rome, Galleria Vezzoli (2013); Ettore Spalletti. A day so white, so white (2014); Baton Serpent. Huang Yong Ping (2015) and group exhibitions such as Bellissima. Italian Haute Couture 1945-1968 (2015), Transformers (2015).
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Elena Motisi (Palermo, 1980) architect, after some experiences abroad, in 2005 she earned an
International Masters Course in Development of complex Programmes, and in 2006
undertook an advanced training course at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
She perfected her knowledge of the role of museums in 2012 earning an International Doctorate PHD at IUAV in Venice.
Since 2006 she has collaborated with MiBAC/PARC following, among others, some projects for the MAXXI where she began work as a researcher and assistant curator since 2010.
Since 2014, curator at the museum, she has been working mainly on site specific projects, interactive video installations and international exhibitions of the 21st centuries.
Among the followed projects: YONA FRIEDMAN; Freedom of Movement; The Independent; Istanbul: Passion, Joy, Fury.
Anne Palopoli (1976) is curator of MAXXI Museum in Rome. She has developed and organized a several exhibitions of both emerging and established artists such as Miquel Barcelò, Stefano Arienti, Anish Kapoor, Map Office, Francesco Vezzoli, Shahzia Sikander, Piero Gilardi and events focused on dialogue between arts, music, video and performance including the performance Dialogue 09 by Sasha Waltz and Guests and Early Works by Trisha Brown Dance Company. From 2003 to 2006, she has teach to the Master to Curators of contemporary art and architecture museum at University La Sapienza, Rome. At the same time she has been assistant to History of Art program at Architecture Valle Giulia, University La Sapienza.
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Claudia Reale (Roma, 1975), architetto, dopo la laurea consegue il master in Management per Curatori di Musei di arte e architettura presso la Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, per il quale è vincitrice di borsa di studio. Svolge attività libera professionale e dal 2003 inizia a collaborare con il servizio Arte della Direzione generale per l’arte Contemporanea, in particolare per le attività propedeutiche all’apertura ed alla costituzione della Collezione del Centro Nazionale per le Arti Contemporanee.
Nel 2005 è incaricata del progetto di allestimento del Padiglione Venezia in occasione della 51°Esposizione internazionale d’arte di Venezia, IV edizione del “Premio per la giovane arte italiana”. Nel 2009 è incaricata del coordinamento tecnico per l’allestimento delle opere permanenti della Collezione del MAXXI Arte.
Dal 2010 lavora nell’ufficio mostre del museo occupandosi della progettazione degli allestimenti e del coordinamento tecnico delle mostre in programmazione, tra le quali, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Da uno a molti, Doris Salcedo Plegaria Muda, Inventory, Fiona Tan, Non basta ricordare, Batòn Serpent Huan Yong Ping, Sound and Sillines, Jimmy Durham, Shahzia Sikander, Ecstasy and sublime, Letizia Battaglia, Per pura passione, Piero Gilardi, Nature Forever.
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Is curator and head of MAXXI’s Curatorial Office. She graduated in Rome, where she obtained a Master’s degree for Contemporary Art and Architecture Exhibition Curators at the Faculty of Architecture of Valle Giulia in 2005. Since 2003, she has collaborated with the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity, working on the activities planned by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage for the creation of MAXXI. She has worked as curator since 2010, the year the Museum opened to the public. Since 2015, she has been in charge of the Curatorship and Exhibition Design offices. In addition to the exhibitions in the Museum’s art collection, she has curated the solo shows of Doris Salcedo, Fiona Tan, Grazia Toderi, The Otolith Group, Cao Fei and Nedko Solakov and has co-curated several collective exhibitions such as Utopia for Sale, Immigrant Songs, Remembering is not enough, Open Museum Open City and The Street Where the world is made.
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Margherita Guccione
Hou Hanru
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
Simona Antonacci
Lorenzo Balbi
Carla Zhara Buda
Pippo Ciorra
Ilenia D’Ascoli
Laura Felci
Giulia Ferracci
Adrien Gardère
Simone Gobbo
Alberto Iacovoni
Silvia La Pergola
Dolores Lettieri
Luigia Lonardelli
Roberta Magagnini
Paola Mastracci
Cornelia Mattiacci
Elena Motisi
Anne Palopoli
Cristiana Perrella
Claudia Reale
Elena Tinacci
Monia Trombetta
Benedetto Turcano