Thursday 1 January 1970

Energia Sinfonia

Thursday 12 June, 18.00
MAXXI B.A.S.E., Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall – free admittance subject to availability

Cosmos, Music, Psyche and Development
For subjects for four works

The event, promoted by Incontro Internazionali d’Arte in collaboration with the museum’s Education Department, is a seminar based on the works of Andrea Boldrini. The artist, who for years has been working on the theme of energy, understood as an idea capable of bringing together diverse fields such as astronomy, music, psychiatry and economics, explores the frontiers of sensory experience through psychological and astronomical research.
His works become useful a tool in the deconstruction and comprehension of the present.
Thanks to extremely powerful telescopes that he designed, the artist inhabits space, its nebulae, its darkness and its colours, capturing the planet Earth in its transparent landscapes and crowds of human beings.
From the cosmic energies of nature, largely “obscure”, yet always recognisable, we pass, through art, to the creative energies of the human being.

introduced by
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura
Stefania Vannini Head of the MAXXI Education Department

Francesca Pietracci Independent curator
Massimo AmmanitiPsychologist and lecture at “La Sapienza” University, Rome
Gabriel Maldonado President of the Fondazione Estuardo Maldonado
Francesco Sylos Labini Researcher at the Centro “Enrico Fermi”, Rome
Roberto Petrini Journalist with La Repubblica
Enrico ColomboManaging Director and CEO of Cofely Italia

Andrea Boldrini Artist