Thursday 1 January 1970

DNA KIDS… at play

Saturday 9 March, 18.00
At MAXXI, in three locations around the museum: from the hall, along the stairs and finishing up on the mezzanine.

DNA KIDS… at play is a Fondazione Romaeuropa project devoted to those children studying dance and who will put on a brief performance after having seen a show by the choreographer Virgilio Sieni, within the ambit of the CERBIATTI DEL NOSTRO FUTURO project, born with the aim of creating a repertory for young dancers between the ages of 10 and 13.

After having seen the show a group of children, pupils at a Rome dance centre, participated in a two-part workshop conducted by the teacher Chiara Ossicini.
The play of balance and unbalance, of continual and interrupted flows, of symmetries and asymmetries of gestures and contacts, which the children noted in the poetic of the show, provided cues in the workshop for the construction of a sequence of brief dance passages, rapid steps generated and enhanced by Zaha Hadi’s fluid, complex space.
From vision to experimentation through to creation: a rapid, brief, circumscribed but participatory experience that may be shared.

Project in collaboration with the MAXXI Education Department.