Wednesday 19 July 2017 8.00 PM - 10.30 PM

From the film clubs to the Politecnico: the coming together of arts and visions in the Flaminio quarter

MAXXI Auditorium – admittance € 5
curated by Mario Sesti

An extraordinary journey through the 1970s by way of stories of people, phenomena and movements, with films and eye-witness accounts

The film club phenomenon was one of the most fertile and original of the 1970s, producing festivals, critics and auteurs. In the case of the Politecnico, instead, born out the idea of facilitating the interaction between film and theatre, between art and architecture, as recounted in the film by Amedeo Fago, the experience that anticipated the contemporary obsession with interdisciplinarity and cross-mediality was a singular dream.
The screening of the film will be followed by a conversation involving experts and eye-witnesses.

Il Politecnico: una storia romana degli anni ’70 by Amedeo Fago

Adriano Aprà film critic
Orazio Carpenzano Director of the Department of Architecture and Design – La Sapienza University, Rome
Amedeo Fago screen writer, director and set designer
Paolo Luciani director
Cristina Torelli director

In collaboration with

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2017 cycle