Milli Gandini, La mamma è uscita, 1978, Varese. Courtesy collezione privata
Tuesday 7 May 2024 6.00 PM - 7.30 PM

editorial presentationConstellations of Performance Art in Italy between the 1960s and 1980s

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

An opportunity to discuss the different perspectives of study and interpretation of artists’ research.

The book Costellazioni della Performance Art in Italia 1965-1982 (Constellations of Performance Art in Italy 1965-1982), published by Silvana Editoriale and edited by Lara Conte and Francesca Gallo, brings together a dozen contributions by art historians and historians.

introduction and moderation
Giulia Pedace Head of the MAXXI Art and Documentation Archive Centre

Luigia Lonardelli MAXXI curator
Donatella Orecchia lecturer History of the Theatre and Performing Arts, TorVergata University of Rome
Claudio Zambianchi lecturer History of Contemporary Art, Sapienza University of Rome

The authors of the volume will be present.

In collaboration with Silvana Editoriale, SARAS-Sapienza Department and FilCoSpe Roma Tre Department.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event