Thursday 1 January 1970

Conference concluding the celebrations for Centenary of the Birth of Ludovico Quaroni

Thursday 15 March, 11.30

Archives Centre Study Room – admittance free

On the occasion of the Centenary of the Birth of Ludovico Quaroni, one of the most important exponents of 20th century architecture and planning, the Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, the Fondazione MAXXI and the National Institute of Town Planning are promoting a series of initiatives commemorating this illustrious figure.

MAXXI is hosting the conference concluding the celebrations, with the presentation of the programme of valorization of the Quaroni Collection and a lecture by Professor Franco Purini on the figure and the heritage of the Rome architect.

Through to 18 March, you may also visit the exhibition Ludovico Quaroni. Drawings and sketches for Barene di San Giuliano, Mestre in the MAXXI Architettura Archives Centre.