Tuesday 18 June 2024 6.00 PM

books at MAXXIC’è del marcio in Occidenteby Piergiorgio Odifreddi

MAXXI auditorium
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

Odifreddi reflects on the West’s arrogance and invites us not to ease our consciences by the illusion that, perhaps, others may even be worse than us.

Like many Italians born after the war, Piergiorgio Odifreddi grew up in the myth of the United States. With less and less surprise, he realises how the United States has always lorded it over us: economic exploitation, trade embargo, military occupation.

Alessandro Giuli Fondazione MAXXI President
Piergiorgio Odifreddi mathematician and essayist

Riccardo Paradisi journalist

Valeria Solarino

In collaboration with con Raffaello Cortina Editore.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event