
Call For Papers.City As Culture

Are you an administrator, a professional, a creative?
Have you come up with, realised, participated in cultural policies, programmes or projects?

Partecipate in the call and become part of, with your controbution, a publication defining the panorama of cultural projects and processes in Italy.

Within the ambit of the second edition of the project City As Culture, MAXXI is launching a Call for Papers with the objective of creating a publication that defines an illustrative sample of the range of cultural projects and processes in Italy, succeeding in highlighting shared and essential elements.

Through the exploration of experiences on different scales, including a number of particularly significant international examples, value will be given to the cultural “character” of cities, highlighting among other things the specific characteristics associated with the locations and the identities of the local communities.

With the intention of repeating this monitoring on a periodic basis, the call aspires to collect texts of an analytical and scientific nature that provide valid documentation photographing the forms, the dynamics and the scales of cultural projects.

Administrators, professionals, technicians, creative, experts who have come up with, realised or participated in cultural policies, programmes or projects.

Choose one of the following areas/themes to write about:
– Projects and systems for cultural networking and creative enteprise
– Cities and museums: forms and dynamics of meaning and relations
– Cities and culture: identity, community and participation

Send a single pdf containing:
– Name of the author
– Brief bio (max 100 words)
– title and subtitle of the paper
– synopsis (max 50 words)
– topic keywords (max 5)
– abstract (800/1200 words)
– bibliography
The text must be in Italian
The pdf file must be named as follows: “surname-name.pdf

For more information

25 June 2018 | closing of the call and sending of the material requested
29 June 2018 | selection of the authors and sending of editorial guidelines
10 September 2018 | deadline for the sending of the completed paper

The papers will be selected by a jury of experts who will evaluate the pertinence and the contribution to the reconstruction of an informed vision of the theme of the City as Culture project.Margherita Guccione Director, MAXXI Architettura
Guido Guerzoni Project Manager, M9
Francesca Velani Vice President, Promo PA Fondazione
Alessandro Riccini Ricci Creative Director, Festival IMMaginario
Giovanni Pineschi expert in urban policies