Iginio De Luca, Lavami, 2010; raggio laser sulla cupola di San Pietro, courtesy l'artista
Tuesday 28 May 2019 6.30 PM - 8.00 PM

Books at MAXXI.Blitz by Iginio De Luca

Sala Graziella Lonardi Buontempo – free admittance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

Ten years of performances by the artist Iginio De Luca: twenty blitzes and non-authorised urban raids in the public space of the capital city.

A set of actions that crosses, witnessing to them, the political, social, and cultural current events of these ten years (2008-2018) in which the De Luca blitzes did not turn out to be mere goliardic acts or superficial theatre shots. In the scream and the grotesque of his gestures, there has always been an invitation to reflect.

The book develops through theoretical interventions, drawings, and images in explicit support of a series of actions that use different techniques and languages, also including images of the works exhibited in the Riso amaro, Dieci anni di blitz exhibition (curated by Claudio Libero Pisano, AlbumArte, Rome, 2017).

Anne Palopoli MAXXI curator

Iginio De Luca artist
Claudio Libero Pisano book curator
Anna Cestelli Guidi Head of Visual Arts at the Fondazione Musica per Roma
Bruno Di Marino scholar of moving images
Stefano Giovanardi astronomer and scientific communicator
Clara Tosi Pamphili historian of the applied arts, Vice-president of the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Mariangela Mincione  Editions Mincione publisher

In collaboration with AlbumArte and Editions Mincione