17 January 2023 > 05 February 2023

videogalleryBertille BakLa giostra del reale

videogallery – free admittance

opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

Saturday and Sunday last entry at 5:30 pm

more information

More than fifteen works made between 2007 and 2022 narrate Bak’s work, and her expressive research staggered along the boundaries between art, politics and sociology.

During extended stays within communities living on the margins of the world, Bertille Bak (Arras, France – 1983) rediscovers memories, and collective rituals, giving voice to positions of resistance and invisible revolutions. From the artist’s direct contact with everyday lives and stories come works where the critical language of documentary meets the fantastic essence of fairy tales.

Contemporary fairy tales that are tragic but also charged with hope and irony inspired by the personal experience of the artist, descended from a family of miners – t’as de beaux vieux, tu sais . . . (2007) and Tu redeviendras poussière (2017) – from the daily struggle of those defending their cultural roots and home – faire le mur (2008), safeguard emergency light system (2010), transports à dos d’hommes (2012), from faceless and dignified workers – le tour de Babel (2014), Boussa from The Netherlands 1/3 (2017), La brigada (2018) – and children deprived of childhood – Bleus de travail (2020) and Mineur Mineur (2022).

header: Bertille Bak, Usine à divertissement, 2016, film still