Friday 18 November 2016 9.30 AM - 5.30 PM

Archaeology of the future. The architectural landscape of tomorrow

MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free subject to availability of places

A day of analysis and debate exploring the evolution of the relationships between contemporary architecture and the natural landscape

The landscape is the coming together of diverse temporalities, a kind of immense, timeless ruin. In its various forms, the natural landscape is at times capable of absorbing the built elements, transforming monuments into natural forms, in traces of absence or memory. Contemporary architecture no longer seems capable of aiming at eternity, but rather at the present, a infinitely replaceable present frequently entrusted to the virtual dimension. It is therefore worth asking what the meaning of place and identity will be tomorrow and whether they will coincide with those of architecture. What value will the monuments of the past take on and if they still exist what kind of monument will they be? How should we preserve them, how should we restore them to this civilization in continual construction?

Introduced by
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura
Alessandro Ridolfi President of the Order of Architects of Rome

Cinzia Abbate Studio AeV Abbate and Vigevano Architetti Associati (Rome, Italy)
Renata Codello Director, Regional Secretariat for MiBACT Veneto (Italy)
John Denton Denton Corker Marshall Architects and Urban Planners (London, Manchester, Melbourne, Jakarta)
Philippe Duboy Professor of History and Planning, Paris (France)
Marina Gemmi Ertex Solar
Maria Giuseppina Grasso-Canizzo Studio Grasso Canizzo, Vittoria (Ragusa, Italy)
Nina Maritz Nina Maritz Architects, Windhoek (Namibia)
Alessandro Muzzarelli Mad051
Alessandro Pandolfo Secco Sistemi


*Participation in this event earns no. 6 continuing education credits for architects registered with an Italian order. Identification code ARRM1216.
Reservations are required and should be online at www.architettiroma.it