Still video da Safe, Ali Kazma, 2015
Tuesday 5 November 2019 6.00 PM - 7.30 PM

Talk.Ali Kazma

Videogallery – free admittance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to by the day before the event.

The work of Ali Kazma, Turkish video artist, the idea of human condition and resistance, of existing and being in the world.

On the occasion of the screening Film Essays 1&2, video artist Ali Kazma, in conversation with curator Maurizio Bortolotti and the MAXXI Artistic Director Hou Hanru, meets the public to talk about his works that documents the human condition, its way of resisting, existing and being in the world.

Since his debut, at the beginning of the 2000s, Ali Kazma pays a lot of attention to the social and economic transformations of modern Turkey. He is a keen witness of contradictions between Past and Modernity in the country. Mainly, he has focused on the processes of the transformation of the new emerging reality with a series of videos covering different aspects of it. Later on he moved his attention from the process of change of the Turkish reality to the exploration of many other contexts in different areas of the world, which became the new arena of his work.

Donatella Saroli MAXXI Research/Curatorial Office

Ali Kazmaartista
Maurizio Bortolotti Chief Curator 6th Land Art biennial of Mongolia 360°
Hou Hanru MAXXI Artistic Director