Aldo Rossi a Ghiffa, ottobre 1993. Collezione Cristiano Urban © Cristiano Urban
Friday 13 December 2024 4.30 PM

talkAldo Rossi. Ecologieby Vincenzo Moschetti

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

Starting from a photograph taken in Ghiffa in the autumn of 1993, we talk about Aldo Rossi and the relationship between man and the environment.

Aldo Rossi is portrayed standing on the wall that physically separates his house from the waters of the flooded Lake Maggiore. The lake mingles with the elements of architecture, redesigning geographies in a verisimilar alliance between nature and artefact.

introduction and moderation
Pippo Ciorra MAXXI Architecture and Contemporary Design Senior Curator

Mario Lupano Iuav University of Venice
Vincenzo Moschetti Sapienza University of Rome
Vera Rossi Aldo Rossi Foundation
Maddalena Scimemi Roma Tre University

In collaboration with the Aldo Rossi Foundation and Quodlibet.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event