Io capisco solo l’arte antica. Educare, apprendere e interpretare al MAXXI
edited by Sofia Bilotta, Lida Branchesi, Valter Curzi
bilingual edition
MAXXI Editions, 2018
259 pages
17×24 cm
The volume brings together a selection of 12 educational projects out of more than 160 projects realised by MAXXI’s Education Department from its establishment in 2004 up until 2018. A tale of images and texts that recounts an educational method and its applications, as well as the learning experience about contemporary arts made by the numerous people who took part in educational activities. A story intertwined with University–in particular with the Museum and Territorial Studies department at the Sapienza University of Rome. The title of the book is a quotation by artist Maria Lai: a commonplace quoted on one of the playing cards of the work I luoghi dell’arte a portata di mano, adopted as a teaching tool in MAXXI workshops. Working against stereotypes, activating critical thinking and the active participation of the public are some of the principles underlying the work of the Education Department, as summarised in the title and recounted in the book.