Attualità di Borromini. Una lezione di Paolo Portoghesi
edited by Luca Ribichini and Elena Tinacci
texts by Margherita Guccione, Elena Tinacci, Paolo Portoghesi, Luca Ribichini, Marco Maria Sambo
bilingual ita/Eng edition
Architects Rome editions, 2021
190 pages
24×17 cm
€ 22
This volume collects a lecture that Paolo Portoghesi, architect and academic, gave at MAXXI to reread Francesco Borromini’s Baroque heritage, rediscovering its influence in the style of important figures of the Modern Movement such as Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright, but also in that of well-known Italian architects such as Pier Luigi Nervi and Luigi Moretti and contemporary figures such as James Stirling, Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid. The critical reflection and punctual analysis of forms and projects are accompanied by a wide selection of images that visually illustrate the comparison proposed by Portoghesi, helping to follow a historical path that unravels aesthetic and compositional affinities through the analysis of geometries and transparencies.