Gio Ponti con la moglie Giulia e i figli Giulio e Letizia nella casa di via Dezza. Courtesy Gio Ponti Archives, Milano
Wednesday 31 January 2024 6.00 PM - 7.00 PM

talkOfficina Gio Ponticurated by Manfredo di Robilant and Manuel Orazi

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

Writing, Graphics, Architecture and Design.

The volume Officina Gio Ponti collects eight previously unpublished essays on the multifaceted activity of the great architect and designer, distributed in four thematic areas, dedicated to writing for the magazines he founded (Domus, Stile, Bellezza) or for other newspapers (Corriere della Sera), to graphics and editorial illustration, to the architectural project and, finally, to the design project.

Elena Tinacci MAXXI Architettura and contemporary Design Coordinator

Manfredo di Robilant Polytechnic of Turin
Manuel Orazi Mendrisio Academy of Architecture
Francesco Parisi Macerata Academy of Fine Arts
Paolo Rosselli photographer

Lara Crinò La Repubblica

In collaboration with Quodlibet.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event