A new sustainable and multifunctional building and a new green area


A new sustainable and multifunctional building and a new green area

MAXXI HUB will offer accessible storage, exhibition space, classrooms and a contemporary restoration laboratory. Inside this three-storey building glass walls will reveal the backstage activities of the Museum, topped by a spectacular roof garden also accessible from the exterior.

MAXXI GREEN will be a green urban oasis that mitigates local microclimate. This space will host the work of artists, landscape design workshops and educational gardens that inspire a new environmental awareness.


MAXXI HUB ospiterà spazi e attività funzionali alla vita del Museo: depositi accessibili, un’area espositiva per le nuove acquisizioni, aule per la formazione, un laboratorio per il restauro del contemporaneo e uno per le tecnologie digitali a servizio dell’architettura, dell’arte e del design.
Le pareti vetrate su ognuno dei tre piani permetteranno ai visitatori di partecipare al backstage della vita del Museo. Lo spettacolare tetto giardino potrà ospitare incontri e attività culturali.

MAXXI GREEN sarà un’oasi di verde urbano attrezzato fruibile dal pubblico e ospiterà interventi di artisti e paesaggisti, laboratori di progettazione del paesaggio, giardini didattici per una nuova coscienza ambientale.
Contribuirà inoltre a mitigare il microclima attraverso interventi di rinaturalizzazione con la piantumazione di nuovi alberi.


New technologies to achieve carbon neutrality


New technologies to achieve carbon neutrality

MAXXI ENERGY is reflected in a series of interventions to reduce energy consumption and move toward carbon neutrality, including the rooftop integration of state-of-the-art photovoltaic panels, LED lighting, the substitution of boilers with heat pumps and the recycling and reuse of exhibition material.


Welcoming, participatory, accessible and inclusive


Welcoming, participatory, accessible

An integrated system of practices, installations and services for the public based on Universal Design, centred around visitor experience and needs. Objectives include: the removal of physical, sensory and cognitive barriers, on site and online; training of operators and cultural meditators, with and without disabilities; the creation of accessible services; experimentation with Universal Design in museums; transforming the social perception of disability.


new building

4200 square metres on three levels

23000 cubic metres

roof garden

1400 square metres

underground parking

2180 square metres on two levels

green area

7200 square metres

1200 plants

80 plant species

expected mitigation of perceived temperature

-2 degrees

colored solar panels on the historical building
(building A)

480 square metres

photovoltaic tiles on the historical building
(building D)

25000 tiles

1740 square metres

photovoltaic elements integrated in the GFRC beams of the galleries

2400 linear metres

over 200 modules

LED based light sources


new building

4200 square metres on three levels

23000 cubic metres

green area

7200 square metres

1200 plants

80 plant species

roof garden

1400 square metres

underground parking

2180 square metres on two levels

expected mitigation of perceived temperature

-2 degrees

colored solar panels on the historical building
(building A)

480 square metres

photovoltaic tiles on the historical building
(building D)

25000 tiles

1740 square metres

photovoltaic elements integrated in the GFRC beams of the galleries

2400 linear metres

over 200 modules

LED based light sources