
Istanbul. Passion, Joy, Fury

curated by Hou Hanru, Ceren Erdem, Elena Motisi, Donatella Saroli
Quodlibet 2015
300 pages
ed. Italian/English

The catalogue presents the political and social dynamics, the urban transformation and the new cultural demands of contemporary Turkey. Installations, sculptures, videos and projects, for a total of 45 artists and around 100 works exhibited, provide a rich overview of the artistic and architectural context in Turkey over the last few years.
The artists and architect add their voices to those of the critics, historians and intellectuals tackling diverse themes: from construction and urban development to the mapping of cultural institutions, through to an analysis of the refugee issue. Completing the catalogue, a chronology of the historical and political events of the last 10 years and a description of the history of film provide further elements for those approaching a study of this fascinating country.